Love Letters from Janey

Title: Love Letters from Janey: 50 Years of Breaking Barriers Together
By: Richard Cheu
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0+ stars

This remarkable book brings forth a collection of 167 letters to her new fiancĂ©, Richard Cheu, from his wife of 50 years, Janey Mildred Young. Chronicling an era gone by, pre WWII and the turbulent 60’s, as an American Chinese woman facing discrimination as not only a woman, but a Chinese American woman born just before WWII began. This book is tribute to her legacy, their love, unity and hard work that made them barrier breakers for their era that is a fantastic and uplifting read giving understanding and a deep appreciation of the true meaning of love, unity, respect and loyalty – a hard commodity these days.

Janey deeply loved and respected her husband, her parents, and her culture. Richard Cheu, her husband, richly adds his ability to record, interview, and showcase their lives together by not only including these 167 letters, but interviewing Janey about her early history and blending historical accounts of her life and culture with keen insight as they planned and lived their lives together. Both of them accomplished wonderful goals for themselves, family, and contributed to society in a way that will impress. Janey also is a bright light, as she embraced life to the fullest. Emerging as a strong couple, this account of life growing up in America as a Chinese American relates to others the deep sentiments against discrimination. 

Times of turbulent 60’s, being a woman in these years going to college and trying to build a career, as well as “the Camelot” years of the Kennedy’s, WWII, Janey’s roots in Whittier, California, to even further back, the depression, and generations in the 1880’s. Incredible insight to a fledgling America in which Asian discrimination was at an all-time high brings a triumphant and overcoming spirit with this book, as these two led amazingly productive lives. Janey became a certified microbiologist with prestigious accolades and accomplishments. For Richard, his faithfulness towards his family children and career are amplified in his renown education that lifted him to develop significant economic changes for Taiwan, and contribute to society in a variety of historical and impactful ways. 

This is one of those books that will impact your mind, spirit, and inspire you to be more to those you love and do more in your life with this beautiful love story revealed as 167 letters. Richard also expounds on the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which greatly affected Chinese Americans, and his life as an orator and public historian, professor, EMT and beyond is truly impressive. 

Their story is such a unique tribute to living, loving, God and being together for 50 years breaking barriers! Read this book for divine inspiration in becoming two individuals with a purpose and love that lasted a lifetime, leaving a legacy for others!

A movie in the making! This comes as a highly recommended and inspiring true story of real love and perseverance. 

You may get your copy of Love Letters from Janey at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

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