CBM Christian Book Review - Demonic Aliens

Title: Demonic Aliens
By: James L. Kearns
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0+ stars

James Kearns, an internationally published author and stern Christian believer, writes absolute truth as documented from Scripture and reliable secular sources offering a book that speaks truth not fiction about Demonic Aliens, UFO’s, Russian Experiments, the Mark of the Beast, and much more proving the truth. Speaking truth from Scripture, along with reliable data, this book showcases a diabolical plan to destroy. 

Demonic aliens are in fact the Sons of God spoken of in the Bible in Genesis. Buffeting that, the author gives a progression of government involvement, as he speaks of FEMA camps, mass coffins and massive guillotine purchases by the government. There is a plan under way folks, this book is truly a wake-up call to the most outlandish, controversial subjects. Yet, the truly shocking part, as crazy as it all seems, it is actually true! Hold on to your hats folks, as the author walks you through the daunting future leading to the Tribulation. 

With chapters such as: Aliens are not “Aliens”, Russian Experiments, It’s the Zombie Apocalypse, How to Win the Battle, All Hell Will Break Loose!, The Time is at Hand!, Paranormal Places, Demonic Influence Today, Their Goal is to Kill Us, Aliens are Here Among Us!, True Cases of Demonic Possessions and Other Nefarious Meanings, Why True Aliens are Most Likely a Myth, Barney and Betty Hill Others, Who is the Devil?, The Backwards Proof of the Existence of God, Proof of the Global Catastrophic Flood and Therefore Disproof of Evolution and Aliens, Men in Black, What are UFO’s?, Are Christians Being Abducted? How do we Defeat the Demonic Aliens? Hitler’s Obsessions with Aliens, Birth Pangs of the Rapture, Chariots of God, Angels Versus Demonic Alien Overlords, How the (Alien) Implant will Change Us, Crop Circles and Other Strange Things and Conclusion. 

As he writes, “Time is short.” The Covid Pandemic, global unrest, and war, among other natural catastrophes (refer to Matthew 24) only describe the very beginning birth pangs of the Tribulation. This is one of those books that puts an exclamation mark on “Shock Factor” yet the troubling thing is he gives proof that align with Scripture, presents photos, and proves the truth of actual historical events! He gives an amazing historical timeline. 

This book is one of those books that you receive, look at the title and think…this can't be true…but it is!

Get your copy today as his information lines up with Scripture and comes from mainline Christian teaching and teachers such as Dr. Chuck Messler and other Christian scientists.  

Well done, good and faithful servant. 

You may get your copy of Demonic Aliens at Amazon