A CBM Christian Book Review - Earthly Stories with Spiritual Meanings:

Title: Earthly Stories with Spiritual Meanings:
Spiritual Lessons Learned from Real Life Events
By: Danny Dodson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Danny Dodson’s book gives us a collection of his own life experiences that offer “lessons learned” insight to uplift the spiritual condition of readers while giving them a bit of entertainment along the way. Some of the stories are humorous, and some are nostalgic, as the author points out. However, all involve the application of life experiences that teach us valuable principles we need to learn from the Holy Scriptures. We travel along our earthly journeys in preparation for an eternal home; but, in the meantime, while on Earth, our earthly stories can have deep spiritual significance. This is the purpose of the book – to teach some spiritual lessons learned from real-life events, and to give readers a deeper understanding of their own walk with God.


Deeply insightful, the author starts off with the book’s first section being entitled “Walking Worthy.”  Does this not say it all?  Then he delves into chapters that offer really wonderful insights with teachings that one cannot lay aside. Chapters within Section 1: “Walking Worthy” include: How’s Your Eyesight? The Servant Attitude, The Power of Working Together, and Lacing up Your Gospel Shoes.  Section 2: “Overcoming Satan” includes: The Devil Sounds A lot Like God, Unable to Walk, The Jericho Road, and Christian Superpowers and Kryptonite. Section 3: “Looking to the Goal” includes: Heaven Will Surely be Worth It All, Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus, and Christ and the Church. And Section 4: “Final Thoughts” includes: Uncomfortable Joy, and Mother’s Last Message.  All these chapters give deep meaning and understanding to the valleys and mountaintops we all experience.

I find his book a fantastic read to help understand that there is victory on the other side. His teachings are truly invaluable, life-changing, and a blessing to read. As a long-time Bible student, teacher, and preacher, his writings are sermons that one will not forget.

Filled with Scriptural insight and much teaching, this book comes as highly recommended to those in need of spiritual direction, Biblical encouragement, and inspiration!

You may get your copy of Earthly Stories with Spiritual Meanings at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Book Review - How God Helped the Adopted Son

Title: How God Helped the Adopted Son
By: Joseph C. Peterson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

This is a story of Joseph C. Peterson’s life from birth to adulthood and how God helped him through it all. Looking back, this is a memoir with reflective quotes at the beginning of each chapter adding to the positive nature of the book. Joseph was adopted, mistreated, abused, and grew up with many life circumstances that are hard to stomach. He writes his story of life to encourage others that despite abuse and life circumstances, God is there, He has helped Joseph C. Peterson, and God can help you as well. 

Originally hailing from Philadelphia, Joseph Peterson was one of seven siblings to a woman he calls “Pauline.” His story is a sad start; he survived numerous foster cares before the age of five, the orphanage, and being adopted to a strange and unlikely couple, Dorthy and Harry. Dorthy ends up being very abusive, emotionally, and physically. Trapped in this family, but amazingly enough the author states that it was better than life at the orphanage. He endured years of becoming a loner and trust issues due to Dorthy’s erratic, wild, beatings, accusations, and behavior towards the author as a young child. 

However, there are some nuggets readers can mine in the book – One is to never give up, two is to look back over your life and see how God protected you, and three is to learn life-lessons throughout. He offers plenty of nostalgia offered from a life lived being born in 1939, through the 60’s and 70’s, that gives a backdrop of an era gone by. However, Dorthy remains the unbelievable villain and nightmare “Mommy Dearest” that gives the story a remarkable twist. Throughout life’s challenges, Joseph C. Peterson, persevered as a grateful, a hard-working person that does find true love, and perseveres with God’s help and intervention. 

This is a remarkable read and memoir despite challenges that could have handicapped the author for life. Well done Joseph C. Peterson! Thank you for writing your life story for the next generation! 

A highly recommended read to encourage one to find inner strength from God and to persevere in life! 

You may get your copy of How God Helped the Adopted Son at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

Christian Book Review - A Must Read Book

This is an extraordinary, biblically based journey into the lives of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, during and after the Ten Plagues. Using the Scriptures from the second book of Moses, The Exodus, as the framework, this book brings to life the greatest mass rescue mission in human history. 

This adventure shines a “too revealing” spotlight on the lives of Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua) and Moshe (Moses). You will relate to the hopes, fears, maladies and maybe even their character flaws. They were simply normal people trying to survive horrendous circumstances. A damaged and broken Hebrew race that the all-powerful Yahweh (God Is) chose to call His own. 

This novel reminds us all, that ordinary people like us can overcome and do miraculous things through God, and for His purposes. 

Inspiring, full of scriptural architecture, the unknowing and woefully unprepared, Kalev blindly charged into a covert world of orphaned children turned to lethal guerrillas. Literally behind enemy lines, the very reluctant General Kalev joined his mother and brother in the seemingly impossible task of rescuing, training, providing for and leading, a partisan army of thousands of orphaned and abused children. And doing it all, right under the noses of one of the most evil empires in history.  

Captivating! This book is the first in the series, True to Yahweh. General: The Story of Kalev: The Son of Hezron, reveals the deplorable and often fatal conditions of a Hebrew slave in Egypt. This biblically based narrative, “puts skin on” the broken people of the Exodus. 

On the same day, all the water in Egypt turned to blood, you’ll be Introduced to the main characters, Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua) and eventually Kalev’s most hated foe, the ex-prince Moshe (Moses). The novel sheds light on the once, woefully silent God of their forefathers. Dr, Woodward earned a PhD. in Theological studies from Logos University. His keen biblical accuracy, brilliant description, and wonderful character development, offers readers an HD, first person point of view of the wonderous displays of God’s Mighty Hand. 

For those that enjoy novels, but want them to adhere to biblical truth, this novel and series comes highly recommended.

Insightful! This novel is a triumphant look into God’s personable nature, revealing His attributes as our kind, merciful, patient and even hilarious Creator. It also peals back the curtain and reveals another facet of God’s personality– that of a Warrior King, and as the author put’s it, “the quintessential Mother Bear!” Readers will relish in Yahweh’s unique and very personal relationships. This book celebrates The God who created humour. He actually laughs and playfully teasing the ones He’s “especially fond of.”.

Describing what life was like in those ancient days, this book brings to life the lives of Kalev (Caleb), Hoshe’a (Joshua), and their family. Intertwining a fast-paced read that involves an orphan army raised by the brothers and their mother. Triumphs, sorrows, romance and the like, explode into their world as they weigh the humbling and very dangerous possibilities of truly following our Yeshua (deliverer). Escaping Pharaoh's armies, only 1/3 of all the Hebrew slaves chose to “blindly trust” their previously silent, and possibly powerless God Yahweh. Eventually, the highly trained orphan Army is joined by thousands of emotionally scarred, and broken Hebrew families as they fearfully, yet bravely gather in the no-man’s land of the bleak Egyptian Desert.

General: The Story of Kalev:
The Son of Hezron 
By: Dr. Paul C. Woodward PhD.Th.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

A highly recommended entertaining Biblically based read!

A CBM Christian Book Review - An Ancient Worship Movement

Title: An Ancient Worship Movement
By: Greg Gordon
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

I was relieved to receive a copy of this book. Amid the entertaining, program-oriented church services, I have often thought to myself, there must be more! 

This phenomenal book opens that door to that something more in the way of worship and intimacy with the Lord, explaining worship as the apostles did before any denomination or modern-church style of worship that dominates mega churches – What is the Ancient Worship Movement? Inspired, the reader will discover what the early Church fathers and apostles did to believe and receive more of the beauty of Christ in their being. A transformational read!

This book is an invitation into true worship and the timeless practices of Christ-centered connection. Covering Christian practices and beliefs such as the: Centrality of the Wounded Lamb, Living a Sacramental Life, The Eucharist, The Importance of Prayer, The Importance of Knowing Him, The Importance of the Holy Spirit, First Love Devotion to Jesus – and The Movement Begins with You – All display a sanctified life that seeks to know Jesus and His ways first. Appendixes in the back also give insight into the Church Emblem, Creeds of the Church, The Gospel of Christ, St. Thomas An Example, St. Thomas Distinctives, Starting a Mission, and The Antichrist Deception.

A well balanced book – The author reveals the Early Church and a worship that will revive one’s weary soul and water them, bringing renewed intimacy with Christ, the Holy Spirit and bring a transformed inner life – a deep well of salvation and thanksgiving will be cultivated to the One, our Savior, Jesus Christ, Who died for all of man’s sin. 

Fostering a new perspective and inner lifestyle of joy, peace, worship, and hope – this book helps readers understand what worship is in the heart of a Believer. 

In today’s busy modern lifestyle, full of distractions and technology that steal our time with the Lord, take this book in hand to cultivate a life of worship that will truly bring lasting relief “in a dry and weary land.”

A Must-Read for today’s Christian and anyone seeking to deeply connect with God.

Get your copy of An Ancient Worship Movement at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit St. Thomas Church for more information on Ancient Worship For Today.

Colorfully illustrated, This Is A Book That You Will Want To Read To Your Little Ones

The Santa Committee is an interactive Christmas adventure children's book designed to share what the Christmas season is all about – The JOY and LOVE we share with others when we give, share, or help others.

That’s what the season is all about and the spirit of Christmas that puts a smile on everyone’s face. The book includes One Official Santa Committee Application, One Acceptance letter from Santa Claus, and 40 fun, daily joy-spreading activities.

Created as a wonderful children’s story, The Santa Committee shares one Head Elf’s endeavor to bring back joy. This task was asked by Santa himself, as joy was running very low that year and he was afraid he would have to cancel Christmas! 

In place high atop the North Pole is the Enchanted Sugar Shadow Forest. This mystical place is where all the Elves reside to help Santa. The Head Elftress, Elfanore, is enlisted by Santa to bring back the joy and magic to Christmas.

The Santa Committee is formed and you’ll see all the magic they spread. For this, they are known as “spreaders” – Spreaders of joy and love during the magical season we call Christmas! 

Children and adults alike will delight in the fun activities created to spread little acts of kindness and joy wherever they go!

Colorfully illustrated, this is a classic you will want to read to your little ones every Christmas season.

The Santa Committee
Tiffany Rhodes and McGhie Allan
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

You may get your copy of The Santa Committee at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

He in Us and We in Him: A New Creation

Title: He in Us and We in Him: A New Creation
By: Father Michael Koblosh
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

He in Us and We in Him: A New Creation by Father Michael Koblash is a collection of writings and sermons given by the deceased pastor relating Orthodox Christianity to clergy, the layperson, and to all. Transcribed and edited with meticulous care by Lydia and Micheal Westerberg offer readers to understand Christianity as not a religion or theology, but as a way to be re-created into Christ’s death and His resurrection that is available to all now as a “new creation” in Christ. These sermons preach the life that is abundantly available and gives the reader an understanding of the need for a new creation and the teachings that will help one with their understanding of Christianity and their new walk with Christ, as they abide in Him.

Explaining many aspects of the Bible, the book describes the Advent and Nativity of Christ, The Genealogy of Christ, His Mission, then teaches the aspects of fasting, faith, the incarnation of Christ, repentance, salvation, and the Second Coming of Christ. With further sermons on Pre-Lenten and Lent Sunday's insights, The Paschal, The Church, Time, the Eucharist, Proclaiming the Kingdom, Judgement, and additional insights on the book of Revelation, the Kingdom of God and so much more. Readers will be enriched, blessed, and taught solid theology from each sermon.

“Mitered Archpriest Father Michael Koblosh (1941-2021), of blessed memory, served as a priest for more than fifty-two years in the Orthodox Church of America. A graduate of both St. Tikhon’s and St. Vladamir’s Orthodox Christian Seminaries, he served in large established parishes in California, New York, Maryland and Connecticut.” In his retired years, he founded All Saints of America Orthodox Church in which he was priest in charge until his death. Throughout his life and love of teaching and the Word of God, he also was an adjunct teacher of philosophy at the Nassau Community College in Long Island, New York.

His sermons, encouragement and inspiration have been put into a book to bless the community of the Saints at large.

“What we need in order to be fully human, fully free to be a New Creation, is the Cross of Christ." ~ Fr. Michael Koblosh

An amazing read that teaches one the intricacies of knowing Christ in His resurrection while offering Biblical teaching from Scripture. This is truly a must-read book.

You may get your copy of He in Us and We in Him at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

Children's Animals Books - Blossom, the Caterpillar Who Dreams of Becoming a Butterfly

Joe Rose, a talented artist and writer, presents an exciting and adventurous story of Blossom, the caterpillar who dreams of becoming a butterfly with beautiful wings. Blossom learns throughout the book, as she dreams of having wings that her transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly isn’t what she thought it would be. In her mind, things didn’t go as planned. She learns to put all her trust in the Lord and her best friend, Tyler, a branch spider, who knows all too well that Blossom needs much encouragement.

The story of Blossom’s metamorphosis from the cocoon to learning how to fly with the “unlikely” wings, can be humorous at times, as well as a colorful journey brings Blossom’s story to life. Children and adults alike will appreciate Blossom, Tyler, and her determination to have wings. In the end, Blossom learns God had a plan all along and that he blessed her with incredible talent to help others from her own experience.

Using this analogy of a butterfly and based on Jerimiah 17:7, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him,” ~ Author Joe Rose, speaks to small children (ages 6-8) teaching them to pray, rely and trust on the Lord, even when one doesn’t understand. God has His plan and works His best for us. Along the way, issues such as self-acceptance, determination, overcoming, and waiting on God’s perfect timing offering hope in alternative outcomes that shine through. God works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).  

This is a wonderfully expressive and artistic book that children will love and cherish. Parents will certainly want a copy to give to their children, or perhaps grandchildren. ~ A delightful read!

Additionally, this book makes a great gift for family, friends, loved ones, neighbors, and co-workers.

Wings and a Prayer
By: Joe Rose
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0

You may get your copy of Wings and a Prayer at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Visit Joe Rose's Facebook Page

Christian Devotionals, Christian Inspiration - Devotions With A Friend

I loved reading Devotions with a Friend, by Ken Tatum. The book is a 21-day daily devotional, stemming from Ken’s time hearing from God and his life experiences. I like that Ken shares the thoughts and expressions that God put on his heart in regards to each subject that he shares which includes a scripture verse, a daily devotional, and ends with a Prayer Emphasis. 

This 21-day devotional relates to subjects such as Grace, The Great Choreographer, Good King Bad King, Dry Bones: A Mystical Vision, Who is My Enemy and so much more which makes this an enjoyable book to sit down and read.  

Intriguing commentary, alongside sometimes humorous experiences, from the author that challenge, uplift, teach, exhort, and encourage. All his commentaries come from a life seeking God, and daily striving to hear and follow the commands of Jesus. Very nicely written.  

Reading Devotions from a Friend is similar to sitting down with a trusted friend and discussing various topics with a treasured friend over a cup of coffee or a meal. The author suggests making a routine out of sitting down and ingesting the Word of God, stating, “…remember, while scheduling time with God is a great spiritual discipline, the most important thing is that you spend time with Him.”

Christian Book Review - Johan den Hartogh & Ken Gott's Magnificent Jesus

The Magnificent Jesus:
Walking in Intimacy
Johan den Hartogh & Ken Gott
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy presents deep scriptural truths from the book of Revelation 1: 5-7. 

Designed to reflect each scripture verse and meaning - 10 powerful chapters offer an easy-to-read and understand format that consists of prayer, focus on the scripture verse, commentary, reflection notes by a leader in ministry, and your own notes, making the book an interactive journey into Scripture and application. This book is designed to elevate the reader into true intimacy with Christ while knowing Who Christ is in Heaven. 

The Introduction and tools on the “inner room” along with acronym tools such as A.R.K., make this book a discovery journey of how intimacy is fostered through authority, the power of the Holy Spirit, and prayer to facilitate tapping into the deep river of God, knowing Him intimately, and walking in your God-given authority as a Kingdom Priest, forgiven and washed in His Blood to overcome. 

Insights from authors and ministry leaders contribute to this book such as: Lou Engle, John Arnott, Duncan Smith, and many international leaders such as: Sarah Jane Biggart, Wes Hall, Franklyn Spence, Murray Heibert,  Steve Uppal, Dele Olowu, Dean Briggs & Carolyn Jones

Keep in mind this is the revelation from Jesus Christ given to John, his servant, by an angel that was sent to him while exiled on the island of Patmos. John testifies to the things he sees and hears, writing all down in the Word of God for us today. 

Understanding these truths from Scripture reveals to readers what Jesus has done for those who call upon His name and bring clarity, elevating each seeker to intimacy, authority, and power within the Word of God. 

The insight and knowledge from Scripture, alongside many who have served God as leaders and lovers of God, catapults readers into knowing their authority in Christ, as they drink deep from the river of God to spread the gospel message to others. 

A Must-Read for anyone desiring an intimate walk with Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords! You may get your copy of The Magnificent Jesus: Walking in Intimacy at Amazon and in Kindle. 

CBM Book Review - Afternoon Rebecca

Title: Afternoon Rebecca
By: Mike J. Kizman
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Afternoon Rebecca by Mike J. Kizman is a delightful story of two 20-somethings, Jeff and Rebecca, meeting for a first date on a Christian dating app. For Jeff, it had been hard to find the right one. Dating didn’t come easy for him since he was not well-versed in one-liners, as others would say playing the dating game. He also tends to get nervous easily, and can slightly stutter. As for Rebecca, she had just come out of a one-year serious relationship, which ended badly, as her ex was cheating on her. Both are a little unsure, but decide to embark on a journey with trepidation, as each one has their own story and life. 

This is a witty romance novel, as the author writes an intriguing account of their first date and beyond. Getting to know each other in person is Afternoon Rebecca’s suggestion; the author does an excellent job of describing what dating online might look like and the cities they both reside in. Readers will enjoy this modern online dating Christian romance novel. The author has made it a fun and easy adventure for anyone who loves romance novels. 

Questions presented in the book are - How do you know someone is right for you? What are the things you talk about meeting for the first time for dinner? With genuine flare, the author unveils interesting characters and conversations that keep readers interested. Each chapter keeps the readers hanging on to see what’s next. This is a delightful, fun and exciting romance novel. 

A must-read for those Christian romance connoisseurs looking for clean fun and love in a good novel. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Afternoon Rebecca and look forward to more from this author in the future.

You may get your copy of Afternoon Rebecca at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

A CBM Book Review - The Convergence of All Things

Title: The Convergence of All Things
By: Tom Reed
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Convergence of All Things is a remarkable read sharing the author’s life story that reveals surprising encounters with God and God’s interventions that led the author on a journey to find
out whether God is real or not. He shares what he found in the Bible and intertwines this with real-life experiences that inspire and captivate. Throughout the book there are some touching poems that describe certain periods of his life. Some of the poems seemed to be of God before
he knew God.

Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s, his family was a normal middle-class working family. However, growing up in such a revolutionary era that chanted peace, free love, and drugs amidst the  Vietnam war provides a backdrop that draws the readers in as this young man tries to navigate life. From brokenness of a lost love, through grieving, he finds God in some amazing ways.

Riveting- Readers will not want to miss this book! It combines prophetic poetry, the correct biblical timeline, and explores prophecies in the books of Hosea and Daniel connecting them with current events and the 70th jubilee, all converging to the year Jesus the Messiah is coming back.

- An amazing true story of how one man lived his life and found out that God was more real than he ever thought possible!

You may get your copy of The Convergence of All Things at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Book Review - Persevering with Brain Cancer

Title: Persevering with Brain Cancer: 
A Search for Hope and Health
By: Jeff Schmiedel
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Jeff Schmiedel writes his love story with Kris, his wife of only 3 short years, and her untimely diagnosis of brain cancer. Jeff starts at the beginning of meeting Kris, their journey to falling in love to their wedding, and their plans for the future of family. She was the love of his life he stated. Then one fatal day when she had a seizure at work their lives were turned “upside down.” Lovingly sharing fond memories and the terrifying rollercoaster of events that ensued, until the final day. Every day was a step into the unknown and they took it together and also as a family. His book is written to help reveal to readers the availability of other medicines, what helped them, and what they found that did not work. In addition, he advises other healing treatments that are available, including letting the readers know the benefits of natural health. 

From the moment one embarks on this journey, I knew this book would be a difficult one to endure. This is a touchy subject – the dreaded “C” word, on top of that, a brain cancer that came back with a vengeance. What struck me most is his strong faith in a loving God. He states that this faith carried him through, although he doesn’t pretend to know the “why” of it all. Clearly, his faith has increased, not decreased, which is what I really want to point out. 

Compassionately he has compiled this book to bring healing, hope, and health to others. Each chapter shows the arduous journey and the trials that not only affected Kris, but engulfed an entire family. Each person, each opportunity reveals a husband committed to his love and also the never-ending support of family that helped carry the couple through their darkest hours. This book will bring tears, I guarantee. 

This is a tribute to the “Jeff and Kris Story” that readers will find captivating, heartbreaking, and soothing. He shows that one can let go after such a tragedy; however, most certainly his landscape of life is forever changed after Kris. Hearts and hugs go out to him and the entire family! This is one of those books one will always cherish and find memorable.  

This book is highly recommended for those who are searching for hope and health, and also for those who are going through the dreaded diagnosis of cancer. The author again offers other pathways to healing, rather than conventional medicine. 

A highly recommended, heart-touching read.

You may get your copy of Persevering with Brain Cancer at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - The Master of Hawthorn Manor

Title: The Master of Hawthorn Manor
By: Rhonda Hanson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Rhonda Hanson writes a thrilling mystery in this Christian novel surrounding Martin Satterfield in The Master of Hawthorn Manor. 

From the beginning mystery surrounds the Hawthorn Manor and the untimely death of Martin Satterfield’s young wife, Darlene. Audra has just arrived back in town for a stay with her Aunt Celeste. Martin Satterfield, the heir of the Satterfield estate, is a man Audra never respected. He was a cold man and uninterested in anyone. She often saw him at church with his late wife, as if he was reluctantly attending alongside his beautiful wife, Darlene, who seemed only interested in making a showcase of her beauty.  The mystery of young Martin’s life and the death of his wife unfolds for readers in this fast-paced drama. 

With each step, the author Rhonda Hanson leads readers down a winding path. What comes will surprise many, as much as Audra will find herself surprised by her changing feelings towards young Martin Satterfield. Secrets of Audra’s heart reveal her reason for hating Martin in the first place. And his wife’s death becomes an embroiling mystery, as facts are uncovered. 

Martin was a handsome man with rugged features and burning blue eyes. However, his character behind his eyes displayed a burning anger and a cold, bitter distant stare that would not let anyone come near him. 

With a determined, yet inexperienced detective on his tail, Martin is the target of his investigation. As the story progresses, things change for Audra, she sees something different in Martin after coming to work for him, which she initially tried to avoid; however, Aunt Celeste’s urgings were more of a Christian nature to show young Martin the kindness of Christians in hopes Martin would see God in their lives. Soon Audra starts to understand the reason for his attitude towards life and God. Her curiosity leads to compassion, only to find that Martin is not the man she thought he was. He’s a very passionate and loving man, who didn’t know that love would be the means to his own heart. 

A spell-binding drama one can’t put down.

You may get your copy of The Master of Hawthorn Manor at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Stay Strong

Title: Stay Strong
By: Brian Grant
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Brian Grant writes his life memoir, Stay Strong, encouraging others to put their hope in Jesus. 

A truly memorable story! How can life go so wrong for someone who tried so hard to do things right? One bad choice led to an infinite domino effect. As a Christian, you can see the enemy worked overtime in this man’s life, yet he writes to encourage others! Stay Strong! Look to God.

From meager beginnings to Little League, then to high school, the Navy, and mechanic school, Brian Grant shares his life trying to find his bearings and purpose in life. Coming from a Christian family, born and raised in Ohio with two hard-working parents, he leads readers to understand we all need God. However, one fateful decision and a string of events led him to a place he did not want to go. 

With short, easy-to-read chapters, readers will experience an honest overview of his life with humor, scripture recommendations, and twists and turns one does not expect. My favorite story is that of the infamous turkey in the Navy. His life’s story reveals storms and trials with an overcoming spirit. Still, Brian Grant reminds all to “Stay Strong” despite life’s problems. 

A memorable title and an endearing read ~ Stay Strong offers an enjoyable read as he gives encouragement and inspiration in his book to never give up! Reminding all to keep Christ close to their heart.

Highly recommended!

You may get your copy of Stay Strong at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.

CBM Book Review - Once Upon An Altar

Once Upon An Altar
By: Rhonda Hanson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Once Upon an Altar by Rhonda Hanson is a fast-paced Christian romance novel delving into a pastor’s unhinged anger and unforgiveness towards being left at the altar. Starting with a funeral begins the unraveling of Grant’s small world, as this novel by Rhonda Hanson writes a hometown harbinger. Grant Sellars faces his own inner turmoil, as his world suddenly becomes a very small place, and his past resurfaces.

Grant Sellars is a laid-back, jean-wearing, handsome young preacher in a small-town church community. No one really knows that he hasn’t forgiven the one that left him at the altar, as he regularly preaches forgiveness, alongside his other duties that fall within the parameters of being a pastor - weddings, baby dedications, and funerals, which are normally expected by the small tight-knit community from pastoral leadership.  This once laid-back pastor realizes that coming face-to-face with his past is something he was not expecting. 

From the minute Grant drops his gym bag on the floor, this author will keep you roped in with her witty and Tennessee-style euphemisms. This gritty yet clean novel gives readers enough action, friction, dialogue, and tension to keep readers wondering…This is one of those novels that reads like a soap opera on pages. Readers can delve into each character’s actions, words, and one will find themselves not being able to put the book down. 

Highly recommended for those who desire juicy, but elegantly fashioned drama, with young characters that breathe life back into dreary days! This book is a breath of fresh air and seems to be meant for a mini-series. The author possesses a remarkable flare for writing captivating readers with vivid descriptions and witty character banter.

You may get your copy of Once Upon An Altar at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Book Review - Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend

Title: Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend
By: Elizabeth Howard
A CBM Christian Book Review 
10.0 out 10.0 stars

Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend by Elizabeth Howard presents a colorful and delightful story of Tickle Tickle, a beautiful white feather that lives on a fluffy white cloud in the heavens.

This is Tickle Tickle’s story of visiting planet Earth and helping a young girl in distress who has lost her mom. This little girl’s name was Faith. Tickle Tickle prays to the Heavenly Father to help him find Faith’s mom. With wonderful pictures and scripture verses that teach that God created all of Heaven and Earth, the author blends the picture of Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend as the Holy Spirit who is Love, Joy, and Peace who comes by our side to help us in our time of need. 

This is a cute little book that parents can read to children to help them understand that God cares for His children. Whenever Tickle Tickle stands next to someone they feel so peaceful. She uses scripture verses to open dialogue with little ones that relay not only the Word of God but also that God is always watching over us. 

Short but unbelievably cute, this book will be sure to become one of your child’s favorites. Recommended for young children and parents who want to remind their children of God’s Word and that He cares for us. 

You may get your copy of Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Book Review - I Am A Sheep?!?!

Title: I Am A Sheep?!?!
By: Debbie L. Cole
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Sharing life lessons learned from her time as a sheepherder, Debbie L. Cole writes a delightful book to help readers grow in their faith, trust, and love for God, as the Good Shepherd (Jesus).

She came to this knowledge after a huge career shift, and as she found herself being taught lessons by the Good Shepherd, Himself, Jesus. She shares her insights, alongside Scripture, that will encourage and uplift readers in their own journey, as they join in understanding and exploring the nature of the sheep. The lessons she shares will be life lessons to remember. This book fosters faith and trust in the One True and Good Shepherd, Jesus!

Have you ever wondered why Jesus called us sheep? Encouraging and uplifting, the author relates the nature of sheep, especially how sheep behave towards their shepherd. Readers will gain deep insight into the nature of sheep and come to an understanding of why Jesus called us sheep. Her stories that she relates to readers reveal her adventures with the sheep and lambs of the pasture. Interesting, sometimes funny, but all relate to the Biblical analogy of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, and us, as His sheep. She presents life lessons that she learned, which will be forever life lessons to remember! Readers will truly come to appreciate that they have the Good Shepherd Jesus. 

I Am A Sheep?!?! Delves into how sheep act and think, as a herd, and separately. Sheep are completely dependent on their shepherd. Her book is intriguing, teaching others, relating much Scripture and encouragement, often speaking of David, how he was a boy who grew to know God herding sheep. Teaching on Ephesians and relying on God during our times of trouble really stood out to me.

Debbie L. Cole offers readers insight into so many life lessons, waking readers up to the fact that we all are ever dependent on our Savior, the Good Shepherd. What a relief! 

A highly recommended and amazingly insightful read!

You may get your copy of I Am A Sheep?!?! At Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - The Topic Of Baptism

Title: Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion
By: A.U.G.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Controversial yet thought-provoking, this author states that immersion was abolished by Jesus Christ in his new book, Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion.

Each chapter concisely gives evidence backed by Scripture that elude that full immersion baptism is no longer necessary, but there is another baptism that occurs after Jesus Christ. This is the “missing link” many wonder about. This book will help those that believe and understand to come to a greater “baptism” one brought by the true “anointing.” 

Hard to believe, isn’t it? The Baptists immerse, the Catholics sprinkle, the Charismatics believe and practice full immersion as well. Come discover for yourself what you believe by this author’s fascinating book that resonates: Are we missing something…Like being filled with the Holy Ghost…

With chapter such as: The Origin of Baptism in the Bible, The Death of Jesus Christ Purified Us, Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion, The Way Baptism Ought to be Administered, Link and a Conclusion, will bring refreshment and excitement to one’s soul. This author is pointing out to believers the simplicity of the gospel, and how to walk in greater works. A.U.G also answers some other questions you’ve always wondered about, i.e. who are the virgins who do no defile themselves with women?...a.k.a The 144,000. 

Shocking and eye-opening, is baptism by immersion a twisting of the truth. Is water baptism no longer necessary? Is there another baptism that exists! 

Wonderfully written, easy-to-read, and full of Scripture. 

You may get your copy of Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Tickle Tickle Goes to Church

Title: Tickle Tickle Goes to Church
By: Elizabeth Howard
A CBM Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Elizabeth Howard offers a beautifully and colorful illustrated book with Scripture that tells of the birth of Jesus. Jesus, the Savior of the world.

This is a short children’s book offering the story of Tickle Tickle, a Little Feather. He is part of Heaven and is a part of the Angel Wing Family. With a quick visit to Earth, after curiosity of the excitement in Heaven, Tickle Tickle finds his friends Joy and her daughter, Faith. He joins them in attending a play at their church. Tickle Tickle witness a play announcing the birth of baby Jesus and the joy from the angels. 

Parents and children alike will enjoy this little children’s book highlighting the birth of Jesus. With Scripture, the author entices anyone reading to their children to relay more of the birth of Jesus and what that means for the world. Joy and gladness will capture little one’s hearts, learning of the birth of Jesus in a manger and the shepherds that came to worship Him with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Truly a delightful and colorful book. 

A wonderful Christmas book for any season! 

You may get your copy of Tickle Tickle Goes to Church at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.