Danny Dodson’s book gives us a collection of his own life experiences that offer “lessons learned” insight to uplift the spiritual condition of readers while giving them a bit of entertainment along the way. Some of the stories are humorous, and some are nostalgic, as the author points out. However, all involve the application of life experiences that teach us valuable principles we need to learn from the Holy Scriptures. We travel along our earthly journeys in preparation for an eternal home; but, in the meantime, while on Earth, our earthly stories can have deep spiritual significance. This is the purpose of the book – to teach some spiritual lessons learned from real-life events, and to give readers a deeper understanding of their own walk with God.
Deeply insightful, the author starts off with the book’s first section being entitled “Walking Worthy.” Does this not say it all? Then he delves into chapters that offer really wonderful insights with teachings that one cannot lay aside. Chapters within Section 1: “Walking Worthy” include: How’s Your Eyesight? The Servant Attitude, The Power of Working Together, and Lacing up Your Gospel Shoes. Section 2: “Overcoming Satan” includes: The Devil Sounds A lot Like God, Unable to Walk, The Jericho Road, and Christian Superpowers and Kryptonite. Section 3: “Looking to the Goal” includes: Heaven Will Surely be Worth It All, Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus, and Christ and the Church. And Section 4: “Final Thoughts” includes: Uncomfortable Joy, and Mother’s Last Message. All these chapters give deep meaning and understanding to the valleys and mountaintops we all experience.
I find his book a fantastic read to help understand that there is victory on the other side. His teachings are truly invaluable, life-changing, and a blessing to read. As a long-time Bible student, teacher, and preacher, his writings are sermons that one will not forget.