CBM Book Review - How God Helped the Adopted Son

Title: How God Helped the Adopted Son
By: Joseph C. Peterson
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

This is a story of Joseph C. Peterson’s life from birth to adulthood and how God helped him through it all. Looking back, this is a memoir with reflective quotes at the beginning of each chapter adding to the positive nature of the book. Joseph was adopted, mistreated, abused, and grew up with many life circumstances that are hard to stomach. He writes his story of life to encourage others that despite abuse and life circumstances, God is there, He has helped Joseph C. Peterson, and God can help you as well. 

Originally hailing from Philadelphia, Joseph Peterson was one of seven siblings to a woman he calls “Pauline.” His story is a sad start; he survived numerous foster cares before the age of five, the orphanage, and being adopted to a strange and unlikely couple, Dorthy and Harry. Dorthy ends up being very abusive, emotionally, and physically. Trapped in this family, but amazingly enough the author states that it was better than life at the orphanage. He endured years of becoming a loner and trust issues due to Dorthy’s erratic, wild, beatings, accusations, and behavior towards the author as a young child. 

However, there are some nuggets readers can mine in the book – One is to never give up, two is to look back over your life and see how God protected you, and three is to learn life-lessons throughout. He offers plenty of nostalgia offered from a life lived being born in 1939, through the 60’s and 70’s, that gives a backdrop of an era gone by. However, Dorthy remains the unbelievable villain and nightmare “Mommy Dearest” that gives the story a remarkable twist. Throughout life’s challenges, Joseph C. Peterson, persevered as a grateful, a hard-working person that does find true love, and perseveres with God’s help and intervention. 

This is a remarkable read and memoir despite challenges that could have handicapped the author for life. Well done Joseph C. Peterson! Thank you for writing your life story for the next generation! 

A highly recommended read to encourage one to find inner strength from God and to persevere in life! 

You may get your copy of How God Helped the Adopted Son at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.