By: Joseph J. Saliga
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars
I like this book a lot.
Have you ever read the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, and wondered what it is all about? You understand parts of it. You know that it prophesies Armageddon, but what about the rest of the book? How can the Revelation be interpreted so that all of its parts are consistent and make sense? In No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation, Joseph J. Saliga, the author, has found a way that makes all of the parts of the Revelation fit together and reveal it in all of its resplendent glory.
No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation offers readers a deep and comprehensive understanding of the book of Revelation, yet it is an easy read. Learning the meanings of Revelation’s mysterious prophecies as expounded was invigorating and exciting for me. The book shows that prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes. It shows that we are indeed witnessing the coming of the end of the age as many suspect.
The book is based on many years of study by the author. He writes that he initially wanted to understand the Revelation’s overall chronology and planned to spend a couple of weeks doing this, but the couple of weeks turned into over 12 years of endeavor as he delved deeper and deeper into the book’s symbolism, into history, and into other fields to discern meanings. It became a task of understanding the Revelation in its entirety, and this book gives the results of his wide-ranging research. The new chronology allows many of the new interpretations.
The author begins by explaining that “Knowledge of the Revelation leads to understanding of the world in which we live and hence wisdom regarding the course of action to take for our lives.” More importantly, he states that this knowledge can be used as a tool to lead many to accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ.
His book sheds much light on Revelation’s prophecies by identifying and explaining those that have been fulfilled as well as those that are yet to be fulfilled. He says that just as many of its prophecies have already been fulfilled, so too will the remaining unfulfilled prophecies be fulfilled. Hence, the title of the book: NO WAY OUT!
The book addresses the major themes of the Revelation: “the triumph of Christ; the work of the Church; the difficulties and rewards of the righteous; the fate of the wicked; the failure of Satan, His government, and His religion; and other themes.” Further, the end of the world is covered.
The interpretations of the Revelation’s symbolism and chronology make the book interesting. The book is packed with wisdom and Scripture that gives the reader an in-depth understanding of the subject matter.
No Way Out! The Story of Revelation comes very HIGHLY recommended to every Christian, whether a new or a mature believer, and to the unbeliever who is searching for truth. The author gives the truth of the matter, and this truth will surprise, shock, and leave in awe anyone who reads this book.
This is a book that everyone should read.
You may get your copy of No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation at Amazon.