By: Jannyce Barnes
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars
Warrior in the Making: Armed with His Truth by Jannyce Barnes shares her journey to healing and victory. While her life was not void of some happiness, it included several years of childhood abuse, along with many tragedies, and much sorrow and pain for her to overcome. Told in a candid, relatable, and heartfelt way, she reflects on her more painful and unusual experiences from a place of humility and grace, sprinkled with occasional humor, and even a surprise or two, that keep the reader turning the pages.
Jannyce Barnes also tells her story from a place of gratitude and reflection. She balances painful portions of her memoir with a healthy mix of uplifting perspectives, cherished memories, and positive takeaways. Her unique style offers readers insight and hope. She also shares helpful tools and wisdom she acquired in her own journey. She hopes her memoir will encourage and inspire others to persevere and believe that they too can experience renewal and victory in their life through Christ.
Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s provided a backdrop of her childhood. Her early beginnings showcase life from a bygone era. There seemed to be a rhythm to life and life seemed to be much simpler back then. The illusion of a normal family early in the book gives way to a shocking and dark truth of years of secret childhood abuse perpetrated by someone she loved and trusted. This is where the author’s life took a turn, as innocence was stolen and her idea of “love” became distorted. The guilt and shame she carried in the aftermath would present obstacles and affect her life in a multitude of ways for years to come until she finally "faced her dragons."
Each chapter begins with a Bible verse and a poignant quote. Forgiveness and patience also played a big role in reuniting her broken family relationships, as she speaks on how to move on from the past to the future. She states she hopes, “this book plants a seed of hope in your heart as well.”
The author writes that she now believes everything happens for a reason. A statement she made that captivated me was, “Once I finally let go and let God, I learned to embrace the journey and the lessons, and become a ‘warrior’ of His truth with a faith that will not be shaken and an armor that cannot be chinked.”
This is a Must-Read for those desiring to go deeper in Christ to find the Victory in Him and inspiration to see how learning from our painful experiences can help us achieve it.
You may get your copy of Warrior in the Making: Armed with His Truth at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.