Robyn Horn writes with wisdom and Biblical insight from a caregiver’s perspective. Sharing a wealth of resources gathered from first-hand experience as a caregiver, and combining the journeys of others, she invites readers to view caregiving as a ministry. This is an invitation into service and worship to God in ways you never imagined. As a child of God, we are called to value the elderly, and remember mercy and compassion, in doing so, we reap benefits as well. Inspiring, encouraging, and enlightening her book highlights the transformation of the mundane into a sacred service and environment, for both the caregiver and the elderly.
Recommended for anyone at any stage of caregiving, and also for those in the healthcare/social services field. The collective overview presented in this book will also prepare someone with rich resources and tips. Her insight and knowledge of psychology, alongside the physical and emotional demands of caregiving resulting in stress is invaluable! The testimonies inspire; she has also covered a wide range of scenarios, including caring for Alzheimer's patients. Her book lifts readers into the spiritual aspect of ministering to the caregiver with Biblical principles, the fruit of the Spirit, and administering the Word of God within the grief process, as well as addressing the practical.
Witty acronyms, loads of encouragement, memorable poems, and chalked full of teaching from Scripture enhance each chapter ending in a reflection section with questions for readers making this book delightfully interactive, challenging them to overcome and come up higher in their walk with God, reflecting the true character of Christ. With such chapters as: God Places High Value on the Elderly, What is Spirituality in Caregiving? Your Identity as a Caregiver, Embracing God’s Love, Begin Your Day with God, Fruit of the Spirit, Turning Stressed into Blessed, Providing Care to a Person with Alzheimer's Disease, Spirituality in Professional Healthcare, Advance Care Planning, Palliative Care and Hospice, Spiritual Ways to Cope with Grief, and Reflection: What Has God Taught Us?
This is a beautiful and God-breathed book and vocation! Even mothers who are caregivers to their children, family, and extended family members, friends, and co-workers will benefit from this book.
I love this quote in this Facebook post at the end of her book! “Someone somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do.” To all the “someones somewhere,” thank you for allowing me to share God’s message with you. ~ Robyn Horn
You may get your copy of Transforming the Mundane into Sacred: Spirituality in Caregiving for the Elderly at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.