A Scriptural Guide for Sharing the Gospel
By: Gary L. Beaty
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
Evangelism and Christian Apologetics are big words that may seem daunting. Yet, this author has made sharing the message of the Gospel simple and scriptural. Presenting to readers an easy-to-understand guidebook with four short chapters offers keen Biblical insight into what the Scriptures speak as to how to share one’s faith.
Concepts of sharing your testimony and faith are further bolstered by Christian apologetics, which is a defense of the faith with a firm Biblical understanding.
Assurance of salvation and the need for a Savior cultivate common ground while the author sheds light on the wisdom with the discernment of hearts (as the soil), in which the author presents insight on how to sow “seed”, which is the Word of God. Sharing the Gospel will become one’s delight as readers learn how to share their faith with confidence with unbelievers.
Spreading the Gospel is a team effort. In a four-fold approach, chapters such as: Personal Preparation, The Message, Biblical Answers to Objections, and Christian Apologetics prepare for evangelism, bringing a foundational faith through the chapter of The Message. The author also speaks of being filled with the Holy Spirit and being led by walking in the Spirit. He also states, “We also know that the fruit of the spirit are from the Holy Spirit as we yield to Him.” He speaks about putting off the old self and putting on the new! In a few short paragraphs, this author has made understanding your new creation purpose a breeze to follow! The fact is, it’s up to you and your willingness to yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Coming alive to God and dead to sin is a firm Biblical premise. This is a lifestyle change that represents Christianity and one’s faith.
This is an absolutely fantastic and well-written Biblical and foundational study that teaches and encourages believers to win the unbeliever to Christ. The book offers a strong Biblical foundation without the usual theological dogma that confuses but offers the truth of God’s Word through Scripture and practical commentary.
A highly recommended read for new and mature believers alike. This may also be used in churches and small Bible study groups that help ignite and teach foundational evangelistic training and gives a bold defense of the Gospel with Christian apologetics.
You may get your copy of Evangelistic Training and Christian Apologetics:
A Scriptural Guide for Sharing the Gospel at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.