Title: The Hands
of a Warrior:
Men’s Devotional Study-30 Days of Spiritual Training
By: M.A. Dozier
A CBM Christian
Book Review
|10.0 out of 10.0
The Hands of a
Warrior: Men’s Devotional Study-30 Days of Spiritual Training - (Preparing Your
Family for Spiritual War) by M. A. Dozier teaches, equips, and ignites men to
take their God-given role as spiritual leaders in the home. Unveiling the
spiritual war that is taking place among them “right now”, the author invites
men into a journey to prepare for battle. With great insight and understanding,
he calls men to a higher standard to understand the nature of the spiritual
realm and spiritual warfare from a Biblical perspective.
Each chapter brings
an interactive training manual providing the tools and weapons that give
fathers the truth of God’s Word. Men will first understand their God-given
mandate to raise and train their children in the ways of the Lord, which brings
life and blessings to the family and future generations. The author encourages
and leads men back into their Biblical roles as spiritual leaders of their
homes by giving an understanding of the power of God through the Holy Spirit
alongside the armory of standing on the Word of God. Nothing less than full
dependence on the truth of the Gospel, integrity, love, purpose, and compassion
usher in a great source of strength, legacy, and commitment. The author is
passionate about the call to bring families and the hearts of children back to
the Lord.
The Hands of a
Warrior: Men’s Devotional Study-30 Days of Spiritual Training from M. A. Dozier
is a wonderful and Biblically-based devotion that can be used individually, or
within a small group study setting.
This book comes as
a highly recommended must-read for every Christian father, husband, and man
looking to live a godly life. Transformational, this 30-Day journey ignites a
passion for leaving a legacy to future generations and leading with the
God-given mandate to lead with love, care, and provision from a godly standpoint,
defending the family unit firmly in the faith.
You may get your copy of The Hands of a Warrior: Men’s Devotional Study-30 Days of Spiritual Training at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. To find out more about the author, his book, and some great ministry, visit Nimrod Outdoors.