Humanity Has A Choice – Accept The Mark – or Face Death

A Must Read Book ~ The Mark by H.D. Barnett continues the series of Under the Manger, as Book 2. A powerful and engaging period of time is unfolding upon the Earth. It’s the last half of the Tribulation. 

The Event as the Newscasters call it has happened. The Church calls it the Rapture. God has taken all who believed in Him and even all the children. These last 3 years hold significance for every single human being upon the planet. Now, as The New World Order is spreading it’s evil tentacles upon humanity. This is a time of what the Bible called great tribulation! (Matt. 24:21). H.D. Barnett blends an epic novel of the Trumpet judgments, alongside the rise of the anti-Christ who exercises complete control over the Earth. This is a series not to be missed. 

Beginning with Jason, he knows regret for not believing has him in this place…a bunker built by his parents. Left behind, Jason Stevens, continues his fight for survival. Battles ensue with his FBI comrades, as each mission brings a heightened awareness that the world is surely in the End Times. Will Jason, his wife and his friends’ faith stand? Most importantly will they endure until the end? Witness firsthand the heart-stopping and unimaginable tribulations and judgement being poured out in the last 3 years of what is known as The Great Tribulation.

Action-packed and true to the Biblical prophecies encased in the Book of Revelation, humanity has a choice – accept The Mark – or face death. This is a Christian fiction book filled with true events that are to take place in the End as God pours His wrath upon the unrepentant. Jason, a strong follower of Christ is at the helm as a head FBI agent. With the discovery of a secret, a life is at stake in New Babylon. Will his team survive the onslaught as the web of deceit brings a doomsday novel that one cannot soon forget. 

A highly recommended impactive read! Even if you don’t believe, you might after reading this book giving insight into a time that no one wants to be “left behind” during this time in Earth’s history. A movie in the making. 

You can get your copy of The Mark (Under the Manger Book 2) at Amazon in Kindle as a download. Visit the author at H.D. Barnett at Amazon.