Title: My Dog Thinks He’s A Cat
By: Craig T. Feigh
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars
Craig T. Feigh creates simple, fun, and creative children’s picture books. Among his latest book is, My Dog Thinks He’s a Cat. With a hide-and-find object located on every page, children will enjoy the funny story of his dog that really thinks he’s a cat.
Instead of chasing bones or playing fetch, the dog now likes to do strange things, like chasing a string, or even grooming himself just like a cat! What do you think of that? The author accepts his dog either way and calls him unique.
Colorful pages and illustrations offer a humorous story of a regular man whose dog thinks he’s a cat! But GUESS WHAT? His cat may think he’s a dog! I wonder why the dog thinks he’s a cat, and the cat thinks he is a dog…What’s your guess?
Children can follow along with their parents discovering the hidden brush on each page, which is so much fun! Created for young children between the ages of 3 to 7, this picture book is a fun read for both parents and children alike and makes for an anytime read or a bedtime story.
A highly recommended children’s book!
Craig T. Feigh is the author of several children’s picture books. You may get your copy of My Dog Thinks He’s A Cat at Amazon in either hardcover or paperback.
Be sure to visit Craig at Craig T. Feigh where you can find out more about the author and all of his books.