CBM Book Review - Devotions with a Friend

Title: Devotions with a Friend
By: Kenneth E. Tatum
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Devotions with a Friend by Kenneth E. Tatum offers readers a down-to-earth and easy-to follow daily devotional that brings a joyful experience through an easy-to-follow format. With an effective pattern that makes for easy reading, each devotion features a subject coupled with a scripture verse, a daily devotional, and ends with Prayer Emphasis. Truly, this book is like having a conversation with a friend and sharing life together. Kenneth E. Tatum reminds readers that faith in God is what makes up our “moments” in life and that the journey of life is best lived focused on God. 

Each devotional is written to uplift, encourage, and bring increased hope in a world that is ever tossed to-and-fro. Humor, personal reflection, and appreciation of life and nature help us look up to God Who is “the Great Choreographer” of life that assists us within each day. Acronyms are sometimes used to teach and assist readers in remembering key elements that are worth remembering! His book helps us to remember that life is a journey filled with all kinds of wonderful “moments”.  His devotionals help shift perspectives to positive outlooks remembering God’s Holy Word and ways. 

Kenneth E. Tatum reminds readers of the Almighty God that is the One who does the “suppling and providing” in our lives ~ What a wonderful reminder! His book teaches that God is ever-present in all our lives and helps us to remember to give credit to the One who keeps us.  The book helps readers to remember to live simply and to appreciate all that we have in life, as we humbly acknowledge and look to God. He is the One who Created all. 

Devotions with a friend brings smiles, laughter, and a positive outlook on life, as he lightly shares the treasures and aspects of Christianity that will bring joy, delight, peace, and happiness in many ways. 

You may get your copy of Devotions with a Friend at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.