The Pharisees are Coming to Jesus

Title: The Pharisees are Coming to Jesus: 
Secret Orthodox Believers in Israel and America
By: Anthony Cardinale
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Pharisees Are Coming to Jesus: Secret Orthodox Believers in Israel and America by award-winning journalist Anthony Cardinale brings a two-fold approach: (1) Exploring the long-awaited restoration of Orthodox Jews turning to belief in Jesus as their Messiah, and (2) an overview of important pivotal issues in Orthodox Judaism as taught by Jewish scholar, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888). This book is mainly inspired by the author’s study, in English and Hebrew, of commentaries made by the late Rabbi, “revealing the most Christ-like version of rabbinic Judaism that I have ever encountered.”

This is a fascinating read into the world of Orthodox Jews and their beliefs going back to the First Century Pharisees. It reveals that the First Century rabbis concealed certain Jewish teachings as sounding "too Christian," such as the coming of a divine Messiah, not just another King David. Those teachings are now being rediscovered by religious Jews.

The book's most exciting revelation is the current work of the Holy Spirit that is opening Jewish believers’ eyes – an underground movement that is swiftly gaining momentum in Israel.

Nominated three times for a Pulitzer Prize, Cardinale gives readers the inside scoop as only a journalist and researcher can. His deep insights into the Christ-like teachings of Rabbi Hirsch helps readers understand the process by which Jews are coming back to the teachings that were suppressed 2,000 years ago.  

Scattered throughout the book are the moving testimonies of religious Jews who have come to see Jesus as their Messiah. This is a great move of God, prophesied in the book of Jeremiah, of a time when Israel is coming into her great calling as a light to the nations. A time when Israel will dwell with her King during the Millennial reign of Christ. 

Readers will also discover why the Orthodox Jews are such an important factor in the End Times. They alone are intent on rebuilding the Temple, which Jesus said will be present during the Final Days (Mark 13:14). Readers will also learn that accepting Jesus does not mean leaving Judaism. After all, the first believers were Jews, and they returned to the Temple daily as faithful Jews. So today's Jews also can accept Jesus and continue to practice their Judaism – giving witness to Scripture during this wonderful time in history, as the Jews return to their long-awaited Messiah, Jesus. 

This important book comes as a highly recommended read!

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