CBM Book Review - Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend

Title: Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend
By: Elizabeth Howard
A CBM Christian Book Review 
10.0 out 10.0 stars

Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend by Elizabeth Howard presents a colorful and delightful story of Tickle Tickle, a beautiful white feather that lives on a fluffy white cloud in the heavens.

This is Tickle Tickle’s story of visiting planet Earth and helping a young girl in distress who has lost her mom. This little girl’s name was Faith. Tickle Tickle prays to the Heavenly Father to help him find Faith’s mom. With wonderful pictures and scripture verses that teach that God created all of Heaven and Earth, the author blends the picture of Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend as the Holy Spirit who is Love, Joy, and Peace who comes by our side to help us in our time of need. 

This is a cute little book that parents can read to children to help them understand that God cares for His children. Whenever Tickle Tickle stands next to someone they feel so peaceful. She uses scripture verses to open dialogue with little ones that relay not only the Word of God but also that God is always watching over us. 

Short but unbelievably cute, this book will be sure to become one of your child’s favorites. Recommended for young children and parents who want to remind their children of God’s Word and that He cares for us. 

You may get your copy of Tickle Tickle My Feather Friend at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Book Review - I Am A Sheep?!?!

Title: I Am A Sheep?!?!
By: Debbie L. Cole
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Sharing life lessons learned from her time as a sheepherder, Debbie L. Cole writes a delightful book to help readers grow in their faith, trust, and love for God, as the Good Shepherd (Jesus).

She came to this knowledge after a huge career shift, and as she found herself being taught lessons by the Good Shepherd, Himself, Jesus. She shares her insights, alongside Scripture, that will encourage and uplift readers in their own journey, as they join in understanding and exploring the nature of the sheep. The lessons she shares will be life lessons to remember. This book fosters faith and trust in the One True and Good Shepherd, Jesus!

Have you ever wondered why Jesus called us sheep? Encouraging and uplifting, the author relates the nature of sheep, especially how sheep behave towards their shepherd. Readers will gain deep insight into the nature of sheep and come to an understanding of why Jesus called us sheep. Her stories that she relates to readers reveal her adventures with the sheep and lambs of the pasture. Interesting, sometimes funny, but all relate to the Biblical analogy of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, and us, as His sheep. She presents life lessons that she learned, which will be forever life lessons to remember! Readers will truly come to appreciate that they have the Good Shepherd Jesus. 

I Am A Sheep?!?! Delves into how sheep act and think, as a herd, and separately. Sheep are completely dependent on their shepherd. Her book is intriguing, teaching others, relating much Scripture and encouragement, often speaking of David, how he was a boy who grew to know God herding sheep. Teaching on Ephesians and relying on God during our times of trouble really stood out to me.

Debbie L. Cole offers readers insight into so many life lessons, waking readers up to the fact that we all are ever dependent on our Savior, the Good Shepherd. What a relief! 

A highly recommended and amazingly insightful read!

You may get your copy of I Am A Sheep?!?! At Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - The Topic Of Baptism

Title: Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion
By: A.U.G.
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Controversial yet thought-provoking, this author states that immersion was abolished by Jesus Christ in his new book, Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion.

Each chapter concisely gives evidence backed by Scripture that elude that full immersion baptism is no longer necessary, but there is another baptism that occurs after Jesus Christ. This is the “missing link” many wonder about. This book will help those that believe and understand to come to a greater “baptism” one brought by the true “anointing.” 

Hard to believe, isn’t it? The Baptists immerse, the Catholics sprinkle, the Charismatics believe and practice full immersion as well. Come discover for yourself what you believe by this author’s fascinating book that resonates: Are we missing something…Like being filled with the Holy Ghost…

With chapter such as: The Origin of Baptism in the Bible, The Death of Jesus Christ Purified Us, Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion, The Way Baptism Ought to be Administered, Link and a Conclusion, will bring refreshment and excitement to one’s soul. This author is pointing out to believers the simplicity of the gospel, and how to walk in greater works. A.U.G also answers some other questions you’ve always wondered about, i.e. who are the virgins who do no defile themselves with women?...a.k.a The 144,000. 

Shocking and eye-opening, is baptism by immersion a twisting of the truth. Is water baptism no longer necessary? Is there another baptism that exists! 

Wonderfully written, easy-to-read, and full of Scripture. 

You may get your copy of Jesus Christ Abolished Baptizing by Immersion at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Tickle Tickle Goes to Church

Title: Tickle Tickle Goes to Church
By: Elizabeth Howard
A CBM Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Elizabeth Howard offers a beautifully and colorful illustrated book with Scripture that tells of the birth of Jesus. Jesus, the Savior of the world.

This is a short children’s book offering the story of Tickle Tickle, a Little Feather. He is part of Heaven and is a part of the Angel Wing Family. With a quick visit to Earth, after curiosity of the excitement in Heaven, Tickle Tickle finds his friends Joy and her daughter, Faith. He joins them in attending a play at their church. Tickle Tickle witness a play announcing the birth of baby Jesus and the joy from the angels. 

Parents and children alike will enjoy this little children’s book highlighting the birth of Jesus. With Scripture, the author entices anyone reading to their children to relay more of the birth of Jesus and what that means for the world. Joy and gladness will capture little one’s hearts, learning of the birth of Jesus in a manger and the shepherds that came to worship Him with their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Truly a delightful and colorful book. 

A wonderful Christmas book for any season! 

You may get your copy of Tickle Tickle Goes to Church at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Live the Light: Five Weeks to a Life that Shines (2nd Edition)

Title: Live the Light: 
Five Weeks to a Life that Shines (2nd Edition)
By: Larry E. Davies
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Larry E. Davies writes, Live the Light: Five Weeks to a Life that Shines. 

Larry E. Davies experienced the horror of the December 26, 2004 Tsunami, as he went to Sri Lanka to help. Those and many more stories of his own life experiences showcase his book, Live the Light. This book will make you laugh and it will make you cry, yet, all are called as disciples of Christ to live as ambassadors for Christ. Larry E. Davies gives readers first-hand accounts and Biblical insight on how to do just that. 

This is an endeavor that is not only Biblical and educational, but the author has an understanding of life and offers readers encouragement amid the storms of life. He begins his book with something that I think only those who have lived through such turbulent eras of time can express. He writes that 1969 and today’s current global climates have a lot in common. I was surprised to read this, but yet he expresses his views that the temperature is rivaling the turbulent 60’s has topped the charts in severity, as it seems peripheral circumstances also glaze today’s landscape as people just “try to survive.” No one can refute that after the 2020, things are really heating up in our world. So how do we live as the light in such a frightful world that seems to only be getting worse? 

His book offers solutions through five weeks of impactful and powerful sections:
Week 1- Love the Lord, Week 2 - Invite, Week 3 - Grow, Week 4 - Help Others, Week 5 - To Live Like Christ. Each section has on average a total of 7 lessons, give or take. Each week focuses the reader on the subject, offering teaching, wisdom, and an interactive book with reading. Each section is designed for a personal growth and insight, along with a place for notes.

This book can be used on an individual level or within a Bible-study group. I find this book deeply encouraging, reminding us all that to “Be Still” as noted in Psalms 46, and the amount of Scripture refreshed the soul.

A rewarding and energizing read! I would recommend to all those, especially those who need guidance during these stormy times we live…this book is a wonderful reminder of not only our identity in Christ, but gives the tools and teaching to Live as the Light!

~ Excellent and worthwhile, and a very memorable read!

Humanity Has A Choice – Accept The Mark – or Face Death

A Must Read Book ~ The Mark by H.D. Barnett continues the series of Under the Manger, as Book 2. A powerful and engaging period of time is unfolding upon the Earth. It’s the last half of the Tribulation. 

The Event as the Newscasters call it has happened. The Church calls it the Rapture. God has taken all who believed in Him and even all the children. These last 3 years hold significance for every single human being upon the planet. Now, as The New World Order is spreading it’s evil tentacles upon humanity. This is a time of what the Bible called great tribulation! (Matt. 24:21). H.D. Barnett blends an epic novel of the Trumpet judgments, alongside the rise of the anti-Christ who exercises complete control over the Earth. This is a series not to be missed. 

Beginning with Jason, he knows regret for not believing has him in this place…a bunker built by his parents. Left behind, Jason Stevens, continues his fight for survival. Battles ensue with his FBI comrades, as each mission brings a heightened awareness that the world is surely in the End Times. Will Jason, his wife and his friends’ faith stand? Most importantly will they endure until the end? Witness firsthand the heart-stopping and unimaginable tribulations and judgement being poured out in the last 3 years of what is known as The Great Tribulation.

Action-packed and true to the Biblical prophecies encased in the Book of Revelation, humanity has a choice – accept The Mark – or face death. This is a Christian fiction book filled with true events that are to take place in the End as God pours His wrath upon the unrepentant. Jason, a strong follower of Christ is at the helm as a head FBI agent. With the discovery of a secret, a life is at stake in New Babylon. Will his team survive the onslaught as the web of deceit brings a doomsday novel that one cannot soon forget. 

A highly recommended impactive read! Even if you don’t believe, you might after reading this book giving insight into a time that no one wants to be “left behind” during this time in Earth’s history. A movie in the making. 

You can get your copy of The Mark (Under the Manger Book 2) at Amazon in Kindle as a download. Visit the author at H.D. Barnett at Amazon.

CBM Book Review - Forever: The Chronicles of Trinian

Title: Forever: The Chronicles of Trinian
By: Terrence L. Rotering
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Forever: The Chronicles of Trinian by Terrence L. Rotering is the third book in the series.  

Forever continues the ongoing epic Christian fiction adventure of The Chronicles of Trinian. “Who will be ready? …On the cusp of global conflict and universal anarchy, the story continues. It is here that HIS-story, the beginning of Eternity, will end. It is here that secrets are kept. It is here that ALL will be revealed.”  

Forever – Everything is about to change. War breaks out. Will Trinian survive? AI and the End Times hold significant consequence, and the battle rages over control of time itself, if that were possible. 

Rotering delivers again in this suspenseful drama, as the ancient enemy of man strives to control mankind. Technology has reached its peak; AI arrives on the scene as the threat to mankind everyone envisioned. Blending in another age of man, this time is different - the end is here. It’s up to a few courageous souls to continue the fight to Stand Forever in this fantastic epic conclusion to The Chronicles of Trinian.

"Forever depicts the final showdown between the powers of good and evil as angels and demons battle over the eternal souls of men.” 

The reader has a front row seat in this exciting page turner. The souls of men are the prize; demonic forces emerge twisting and tempting mankind to partake in evil. Justice is on the horizon as these malevolent forces are no match for the Lion of Judah, the One who watches over all and is the true King. Written in true fashion after C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Frank Peretti, the author has crafted a series that will capture faith, speak justice to the down-trodden, and give immense hope as the “Faithful Stand Forever.”

A Must-Read Saga - The Faithful, The Stand, Forever and The Chronicles of Trinian. 

You may get your copy of Forever: The Chronicles of Trinian at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Book Review - William J. Luke

Title: Actual Biblical Psychology: The Truly Authoritative Approach to Treating People Correctly
By:    William J. Luke
A CBM Christian Book Review
9.0 out of 10.0

William J. Luke offers, Actual Biblical Psychology: The Truly Authoritative Approach to Treating People – “as opposed to the integration of mainstream psychology with Christian theology.” ~ This is the direct quote from the author’s Amazon page describing his book. 

Dividing the person into four categories, the author offers a truthful “radical” presentation of Biblical psychology through the lens of the Bible. Different personalities come, yet a person has different parts to their psychological make-up. A person has a mind, heart, body, a will and a soul (5 parts). Bringing a concise description of different conceptualizations within the individual, the author shines a light on a Biblical approach that does not combine secular psychology with a Christian point of view. He also uses the KJV “because the accuracy and consistency of this version proves that it alone is the true English translation of the Bible.” ~ William J. Luke 

The author has a lot to say about the person: mind, heart, body, a person’s will and soul. However, using the five Biblical principles of Biblical psychology, William J. Luke systematically gives understanding through this lens of intertwining scriptural presentation. Readers will come to understand the responses of a person, the types of love language, essential and detrimental factors to development, consideration method, attachment styles, responses to God’s Word, belief and non-biased behavior styles, including biases on different levels, offers treatments, and spiritual development – all as factors to be considered in the application of the Biblical authoritative approach to treating people. 

One man stated in his book review that he had wasted 20 years of time and money on Christian and secular psychologists, stating that this book solved his issues with the way he behaved and why he was so discontent with himself. That is an amazing testimony to this book. 

The author has done through research of the Bible, giving readers the Biblical answers to their problems. I find this to be an innovative, truthful, and scriptural insight into the make-up of mankind and mankind’s psyche based on Biblical principles that cannot be overlooked.

A must-read for all those looking to heal their mind, will, heart, and emotions through Biblical principles. 

You may get your copy of Actual Biblical Psychology at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Christian Book Review - Greater Things: Unveiling 52 Epic Secrets of Leadership from Science and Scripture

Title: Greater Things:
Unveiling 52 Epic Secrets of Leadership from Science and Scripture
By: Dr. Heather Lyall
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Written as a Bible study for the Christian youth of today, the author highlights 52 leadership qualities that are proven through science and Scripture. Dedicated to the next generation these leadership qualities are defined and explained through a variety of ways, including using Scripture as an aid. The author notes that the study can be finished within a year if done one chapter per week. This Bible-study comes highly recommended for Christian youth that are interested in becoming their generation’s next leaders. “Greater Things” will come as you will see from the title.

Birthed out of a prayer and a question to the Lord, readers will see God’s answer: develop them. As a wife, mother, homeschooler, business leader, and Christian, Dr. Heather Lyall, writes to this generation to bring the “Greater Things” God wants them to accomplish. Well-written she covers such issues as: Leadership, Courage, Communication, Integrity, Confidence, Helping Others Build Confidence, Encouraging Others, Adaptability, and so much more. (Please see Table of Contents for a full list.)

She speaks to pastors as well on choosing a youth leader. Qualifications such as being nonjudgmental, possessing compassion, a positive attitude and unwavering love are foundational. Giving a suggested format, readers will appreciate the overlap of Biblical examples such as Moses, David, Joshua, Nehemiah, etc., connecting the Biblical to the stories the youth have heard growing up. This is an interactive study with discussion and application questions with plenty of room for notes. The author notes that quality trumps quantity and experience is the key. Putting into action each chapter suggestion is the fun part. As such, she has kept teaching sections short, as the author encourages the Bible-study to be led by interactivity and communication with each group member participating, making sure inclusivity and confidentiality bring a real togetherness and comradery within the group atmosphere. 

This comes as a much-needed and highly recommend read for pastors to inspire, teach, and encourage the next generation of leadership!  Greater Things is one of those reference books that blend Scripture and psychology into one timeless book that you will want on your library shelf. 

CBM Book Review - The Edge of the Unseen World

Title: The Edge of the Unseen World: 
A Doctor’s Journey from the Imaginary to the Impossible
By: Dr. Wendolyn Slattery
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0

Wendolyn Slattery writes her memoir after a diagnosis of an incurable cancer to her grandchildren as a legacy showcasing her life. Born in the 1950’s on a small farm on the outskirts of a rural town in Minnesota, life was quite different “back then.” This is an era gone by and the author relates the many differences in parenting, growing up, and the turbulent 1960’s. Revealing her trials, vulnerabilities, mistakes, and life-lessons learned, the book is a delightful read to both her grandchildren and readers to gleam back into a portal of time gone by as her life “unfolded” from childhood to present. 

A resounding theme throughout her book is Christ in her life. As she states He, “…quietly but powerfully wove a tapestry around my life that included them.” An unseen and surprising miracle also takes place towards the end of the book, as God did the impossible in her life! This is really what the author wants her grandchildren and the readers to relish! The Edge of the Unseen World is a God-centered adventurous Odyssey culminating in a wonderful “encore” that only God could accomplish.

Wendolyn Slattery lovingly points readers towards God and Eternity. Readers will find an interesting, insightful, and enveloping story of a child with 4 siblings growing up in a very different time than our modern world that will entertain and forever leave an indelible mark upon the readers’ hearts. I found her early years captivating and the tending to her little sheep “Tammy” endearing. It was then that Wendolyn imagined being a doctor someday. It was clear that life was not easy; they worked hard, and chores on a farm were something the children learned they could not avoid. I think many will relate to Slattery as a child, especially perhaps a grandchild. Getting to know the author was a welcome treat. Her aspirations and hopes as a child growing into an adult were incredibly memorable. She also mentions growing up “in religion,” often, wondering where God was sometimes, especially when on the brink of dying. Humorous at times, she points out that the “legacies” we leave behind are for the next generation.

This comes as a wonderful and uplifting memoir delving into The Edge of the Unseen World and a revealing of the impossible. A photo gallery is included, which adds to the book. 

You may get your copy of The Edge of the Unseen World at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at her website at Wendy Slattery for more information. 

CBM Christian Book Review - The Chrysalis Caretaker

Title: The Chrysalis Caretaker
By: David P. Smith, MD
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Chrysalis Caretaker represents the metaphor of a butterfly becoming mature in its cocoon. The butterfly is vulnerable in the cocoon, and the book points to a caretaker who watches over this vulnerable transition into becoming a free-flying winged butterfly. David P. Smith, MD is  a talented writer that speaks to the readers about the choices and moorings that have been lost when people are not anchored in the hope of Jesus.

As a poignant collection of fictional articles tells the story of a patient named Sarah and her life experiences that led her to come in to see the doctor. Sarah has a crushed spirit manifesting as many physical ailments. The doctor listened intently, realizing that his patient was in a tender and confusing place. Not wanting to see the patient become more emotional, or leave his care without the help she needs, the doctor sits back intently listening to Sarah’s explanation of her current condition. She starts at the beginning with the meeting of Frank and Julia, her parents in the 1930’s during the depression. Each story reveals family, choices, and effects that led to reactions and circumstances some would want, and others that leave scars on one’s soul. 

Each article delves into the human condition, living and surviving in this world, and tragedies that can take place that lead one to despair, as he also mentions mountaintop experiences that bring joy and happiness. Carefully, crafting each story, he sheds light on the importance of faith, having our faith tested to be stronger to carry us through the storms of life, as one can lose faith that has not been tested. This is an insightful and engaging read, as we see Sarah’s life, her current condition, and the condition of the soul with and without Jesus, who is our hope. 

This fictional book makes one reflect on one’s past experiences that relate to readers that there is One who never leaves us - His name is Jesus. A well-written exposé of life and the tragedies that come, yet we are not without hope. Inspiring, readers are encouraged to put their hope in Jesus to get them through the up-and-downs of life that will inevitably come.

Sprinkled with Scripture, the stories tell an uplifting tale of how one gets through life amid mistakes and misfortunes ~ Highly recommended as an entertaining read that is deeply reflective.  

You may get your copy of The Chrysalis Caretaker at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Christian Book Review - Army of God Arise

Title: Army of God Arise
A “Basic Training Manual” for the Body of Christ on Spiritual Warfare
By: Stacey Kelley
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

A must-read book on spiritual warfare that is geared to our current modern society where the world is calling, “evil good and good evil” as noted in Isaiah 5:20 (NLT). Stacey’s book encompasses basic training on the battle we face in the spiritual realm, understanding that there are two kingdoms, one of light and one of darkness. The Kingdom of Light is God’s Kingdom that wages war against Satan’s kingdom of darkness that has only one agenda: to steal, kill, and destroy. 

God’s kingdom is to give life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). Army of God, it’s time to stand and arise!

In her easy-to-read book author Stacey Kelley teaches the Body of Christ about the believer’s weapons, the believer’s Kingdom authority, and Satan’s schemes in practical ways, giving the truths and foundation of Scripture. Well-written and with keen Biblical insight, the author has written this book, so that readers can come, learn, and understand that they are “Overcomers” and that God has given us everything we need to fight this battle over evil. However, one must understand the spiritual realm and how to fight this seemingly invisible battle that rages every day in our society: Against families, against children and against all that is clean and pure. 

Three sections divide the book: Foundational Truths, Spiritual Warfare – God’s Provision, and How Do We Wage War, giving readers the tools for overcoming crisis whether it be sickness, financial, or evil in the world. With such chapters as: Who is Our God? What Did Jesus Accomplish on the Cross, Who We Are, The Believer’s Authority, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Defensive Protections, Our Weapons, and The Enemy’s Tactics bring deep understanding of the battles we face, giving readers the understanding and the “know-how” using Biblical truths that bring encouragement, inspiration, with solutions and results. Our God is a mighty God! 

Christians must not lay down at this time. It is time to “Charge” the enemy. Our world is evil and corrupt. There is a war waging and an enemy who wants to destroy. This is a time for the Army of God to Arise. This is a fantastic book to help those understand how to fight, defend and overcome the enemy, while depending on God for His victory. 

This is a Must-Read for every believer, new or mature, alike. This book will light a fire in you to fight because of the confidence in understanding your authority in Christ and the weapons you possess to fight and win. 

Again, this is one of those special, must-read books that must not be overlooked. Your very life and the lives of family, friends, and those you encounter count on it. I sincerely wish I had this book at the beginning of my walk with God. 

You may get your copy of Army of God Arise at Amazon or in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - My Dog Thinks He’s A Cat

Title: My Dog Thinks He’s A Cat
By: Craig T. Feigh
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 stars out of 10.0 stars

Craig T. Feigh creates simple, fun, and creative children’s picture books. Among his latest book is, My Dog Thinks He’s a Cat. With a hide-and-find object located on every page, children will enjoy the funny story of his dog that really thinks he’s a cat.

Instead of chasing bones or playing fetch, the dog now likes to do strange things, like chasing a string, or even grooming himself just like a cat! What do you think of that? The author accepts his dog either way and calls him unique.

Colorful pages and illustrations offer a humorous story of a regular man whose dog thinks he’s a cat! But GUESS WHAT? His cat may think he’s a dog! I wonder why the dog thinks he’s a cat, and the cat thinks he is a dog…What’s your guess?

Children can follow along with their parents discovering the hidden brush on each page, which is so much fun! Created for young children between the ages of 3 to 7, this picture book is a fun read for both parents and children alike and makes for an anytime read or a bedtime story. 

A highly recommended children’s book!

Craig T. Feigh is the author of several children’s picture books. You may get your copy of My Dog Thinks He’s A Cat at Amazon in either hardcover or paperback.

Be sure to visit Craig at Craig T. Feigh where you can find out more about the author and all of his books.

CBM Christian Book Review - Take Heart: The Overcomer’s Path through Conflict

Title: Take Heart: The Overcomer’s Path through Conflict
By: Gary Wooden
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

“My aim in writing this book is to embrace our journey through conflict from God's perspective, whose goals are found throughout the trip and lead to His destination.”

Conflict – “Take Heart,” Jesus said. Written to display God’s perspective on how HE gets us through the trials and conflicts of life. Filled with Biblical promises and insight, this author reveals the path of the “overcomer.” This is a wonderful and scriptural read to fuel faith for the journey and to teach the truths of Scripture. Jesus did NOT promise a “trial free” life, but victory and overcoming through Him. I cannot recommend this book enough, as it is needed during this time in history when division and strife have infiltrated our homes, lives, workplaces, marriages, family, nations, and the entire world. Let’s learn how to be overcomers!

“I propose an approach that uses the Bible as our guide through conflict. Without a doubt, the Bible is the best handbook on how to deal with conflict.” ~ Gary Wooden

With such chapters as: A Theology of Conflict, A History of Conflict, The Origin of Conflict, God’s Purpose through Conflict, God’s Plans for Mankind, Summary of God’s Purposes through Conflict, Overcoming Through Conflict, Fight or Flight, A Battle of Wills, A Call to Arms, Peace on Earth, Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts, The Good Fight, Qualities and Practices of an Overcomer, Forgiveness, Handling Different Degrees of Conflict and How We Can Help Others.

“Shouldn't we recognize that God has given His people the secrets of not only handling conflict correctly but of becoming overcomers in the process? Why look to the world for answers? With God's handbook, we are called and equipped to show the world how to handle conflict.” ~ Gary Wooden

I would venture to say that most people need this book! The author has written a superb book on conflict resolution from a Biblical perspective offering solutions to becoming an overcomer. He has given not a secular formula for healing conflict resolution but offers the Bible’s way through conflict resolution. This is what we all need!

This book comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR ALL. I might even suggest pastors, teachers, and those in any leadership position, keep copies to give out to their flock when the need arises. One can reference this book over and over again.

You may get your copy of Take Heart: The Overcomer’s Path through Conflict at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. 

CBM Book Review - Paul Buchheit - Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey

Title: Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey 
By: Paul Buchheit
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey by Paul Buchheit is a rendition and narrative of John Milton’s, Paradise Lost, written in the 1600’s. This book takes the epic journey of the story of Earth, Demons, and the Angelic told from a Biblical perspective of truth from the Bible, and turns it into a journey through different poetic rhythms and rhymes, often incorporating Shakespearean language. A wonderful and beautiful insight into Milton’s original Paradise Lost, recaptured in today’s Modern Language.

As such, the author states that the book is a re-working in a narrative form, “updating to comprehensible modern language while retaining the spirit and essential detail of Milton’s work.” Further stating, “numerous classical poetic forms are incorporated into the text.”

Beginning with “Satan and His Allies are Banished to Hell” and journeying through man’s disobedience that led to the sin, death, and disorder that would capture the Earth. The Fall of Adam and Eve, tasting that forbidden fruit, opened the door to Satan’s reign and paradise lost, humanity now in tribulation, this poetic journey describes the story that ensued – one of war, revenge, and demonic hatred towards Earth and its inhabitants.  

Each poem tells of the Earth’s plunge into darkness from Abraham to the coming of Moses, and the hope of salvation in the Messiah, the Second Coming, ending in a recap as Adam and Eve leave paradise. Exposing the battle for souls through mighty malevolent beings, Satan, and the Demons (fallen angels), God’s perspective is told and the punishment incurred coming from a Holy God to a world corrupted by sin. 

A highly recommended read for those who love poetry and an insightful rendition of the plight since the Fall of mankind, as man was to reign and rule in this Paradise. Thus, a Paradise Lost.

You will love reading Paul Buchheit's Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey.

You may get your copy of Paradise Lost: A Poetic Journey at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. Be sure to visit the author at Paul Buchheit Books.

CBM Christian Book Review - The Purposeful Love of God

Title: The Purposeful Love of God: 
Seeing God’s Love From His Perspective
By: William J. Laurence
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

In the book, Seeing God’s Love From His Perspective, the author begins by the usage of the metaphor of a wheat field. The metaphor of the wheat field relates to the intent of words, namely the usage of “love.” The heads of wheat represent the words and the soil from which all the wheat derives life. Pluck up the wheat from the soil, the wheat dies and as he states, “truth is lost.” In this vein of thought, the author defines through metaphors and certain parables in the Bible, to include historical and Greek, as proclaimed by the New Testament writers, focusing on God’s love and character through God’s own perspective. 

Words and language change often from culture and the passage of time. These changes often lead to a transformation of meanings. In Biblical terms, such words as “love” can include distinct types of love.

This book is an interesting and somewhat in-depth study, which reveals God, His character,  and His love through His perspective. Biblical insight and the use of metaphors enhance our understanding. Defining the terms of love through the Greek meanings of “philia” and “agape,” each chapter defines God’s character, which gives an insight into Who God is in our humanity and God, Himself as Father, Husband, and Creator. God is the Master Carpenter and Creator, refining each one of us as He sees fit. 

With such chapters as Concerning Words, The Husband, The Father, The Artisan (I & II), Steadfast Love, Everlasting Love, The Beginning of God’s Love, The Return of the Bride, and The Moral Imperative ~ each chapter reveals God’s character, love, and involvement in our lives. His steadfast and everlasting love will hold new meaning after reading this book, and the last chapter in particular, The Return of the Bride, brings hope and excitement. 

As an Artisan himself, making wooden stringed instruments, this is a fitting book for the author to write. His understanding of the artisan and the creation of an instrument seem to coincide. Similarly, in such a way, God has a purpose for each created human being, nation, and people. 

An interesting thought, however, is that understanding God’s love from His perspective gave me a deeper appreciation and insight into the love of God that is not readily taught (perhaps). 

This is a highly insightful work, one that often brings deep reflection to the readers, often inspired by the blending of Biblical stories and characters, meanings of words in Greek, and metaphors, alongside parables that relate a relatable and deeper meaning of God and His character. 

This book comes highly recommended for those who love to dig deeper into God, and His Word, or love the study of Greek meanings behind words used in Biblical language. God’s place in our lives as Father, Husband, and Creator is more relevant than one might think. ~ A wonderful and uplifting read! 

You May get your copy of The Purposeful Love of God at Amazon 
and at Barnes and Noble.

CBM Book Review - America at War: 2024-2026 The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness

Title: America at War: 2024-2026
The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness
By: Mark Biltz
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ stars out of 10.0 stars

Muti-published author Mark Biltz, Pastor and Founder of El Shaddai Ministries writes a phenomenal book: America at War: 2024-2026 - The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness. 

This is a timely book release that speaks of the coming war in America! Mark Biltz helps those seeking understanding of the current times that we are living in, offering deep insight into the knowledge of God’s calendar and appointed times. These appointed times and signs in the heavenlies from the sun and moon directly coincide with solar eclipses, blood moons, of the past, present, and future. Colorful charts, maps, and graphs help readers to understand the chronological events of solar eclipses back to the creation of mankind and an eschatology of the events to come according to God’s Appointed Feasts and Timelines. 

A Great Solar Eclipse is scheduled according to NASA to go across American soil on April 8th, 2024, particularly over Texas and what is known as the Texas Triangle, which is the human trafficking capitol area of the world. Mark Biltz explains the implications for America in relation to this solar eclipse, alongside what other solar eclipses represent. Fascinating! Sobering, as well, is the God of all Heaven speaking to us? 

He also gives Biblical knowledge of the current Palestinian conflict and war in Israel against Hamas, which is an ancient conflict that has never been solved. Scripture and teaching bring understanding to whose land it is and also, whose land it is not. 

With such incredible and fascinating chapters as: The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness, Philistines, Palestine and the Land of Israel, The True Prophetic Significance of the Blood Moons in 2014, 2015 by understanding the Shemitah and the Jubilee Cycles, Which Calendar Does the LORD use, Timing is everything-God’s Appointed Times, The Coming Eclipse on the Divine Appointments, Understanding the Times and Seasons, Who was Amalek and who is Amalek today, Matthew 24 and Hanukkah, The Final Harvest, and lastly, My Sedar Olam: The chronology of key Biblical events and every Jubilee and Shemitah Cycle dated to the creation of man. 

Mark Biltz has done an incredible amount of research and math, combined with rich knowledge of the scriptures to warn America – WAR is on the horizon! This is a significant book and vital to the times we are living in. If you want to understand the days, times, and seasons that you are living in, this book is a MUST READ! With discussion questions at the end, this book could also be used in a group Bible study setting as it relates to the history of Israel and current events. 

This is also a Reference book full of information. You will find Mark Biltz’s book to be exact, full of facts and information concerning Biblical feasts and text, to include Scripture and the Hebrew written Scripture. There is so much in this book that a book review does not cover everything mentioned in the book. 

For more information about America at War: 2024-2026 The Sons of Light vs. The Sons of Darkness visit author Mark Biltz at El Shaddai Ministries

CBM Christian Book Review - No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation

Title: No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation
By: Joseph J. Saliga
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

I like this book a lot.

Have you ever read the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, and wondered what it is all about? You understand parts of it. You know that it prophesies Armageddon, but what about the rest of the book? How can the Revelation be interpreted so that all of its parts are consistent and make sense? In No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation, Joseph J. Saliga, the author, has found a way that makes all of the parts of the Revelation fit together and reveal it in all of its resplendent glory. 

No Way Out! The Story of the Revelation offers readers a deep and comprehensive understanding of the book of Revelation, yet it is an easy read. Learning the meanings of Revelation’s mysterious prophecies as expounded was invigorating and exciting for me. The book shows that prophecies are being fulfilled before our eyes. It shows that  we are indeed witnessing the coming of the end of the age as many suspect.

The book is based on many years of study by the author. He writes that he  initially wanted to understand the Revelation’s overall chronology and planned to spend a couple of weeks doing this, but the  couple of weeks turned into over 12 years of endeavor as he delved deeper and deeper into the book’s symbolism, into history, and into other fields to discern meanings. It became a task of understanding the Revelation in its entirety, and this book gives the results of his wide-ranging research. The new chronology allows many of the new interpretations. 

The author begins by explaining that “Knowledge of the Revelation leads to understanding of the world in which we live and hence wisdom regarding the course of action to take for our lives.” More importantly, he states that this knowledge can be used as a tool to lead many to accept the salvation offered by Jesus Christ. 

His book sheds much light on Revelation’s prophecies by identifying and explaining those that have been fulfilled as well as those that are yet to be fulfilled. He says that just as many of its prophecies have already been fulfilled, so too will the remaining unfulfilled prophecies be fulfilled. Hence, the title of the book: NO WAY OUT! 

The book addresses the major themes of the Revelation:  “the triumph of Christ; the work of the Church; the difficulties and rewards of the righteous; the fate of the wicked; the failure of Satan, His government, and His religion; and other themes.” Further, the end of the world is covered. 

The interpretations of the Revelation’s symbolism and chronology make the book interesting.  The book is packed with wisdom and Scripture that gives the reader an in-depth understanding of the subject matter.

No Way Out! The Story of Revelation comes very HIGHLY recommended to every Christian, whether a new or a mature believer, and to the unbeliever who is searching for truth. The author gives the truth of the matter, and this truth will surprise, shock, and leave in awe anyone who reads this book.

This is a book that everyone should read.

CBM Christian Book Review - Warrior in the Making: Armed with His Truth

Title: Warrior in the Making: Armed with His Truth
By: Jannyce Barnes
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Warrior in the Making: Armed with His Truth by Jannyce Barnes shares her journey to healing and victory. While her life was not void of some happiness, it included several years of childhood abuse, along with many tragedies, and much sorrow and pain for her to overcome. Told in a candid, relatable, and heartfelt way, she reflects on her more painful and unusual experiences from a place of humility and grace, sprinkled with occasional humor, and even a surprise or two, that keep the reader turning the pages.

Jannyce Barnes also tells her story from a place of gratitude and reflection. She balances painful portions of her memoir with a healthy mix of uplifting perspectives, cherished memories, and positive takeaways. Her unique style offers readers insight and hope. She also shares helpful tools and wisdom she acquired in her own journey. She hopes her memoir will encourage and inspire others to persevere and believe that they too can experience renewal and victory in their life through Christ. 

Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s provided a backdrop of her childhood. Her early beginnings showcase life from a bygone era. There seemed to be a rhythm to life and life seemed to be much simpler back then. The illusion of a normal family early in the book gives way to a shocking and dark truth of years of secret childhood abuse perpetrated by someone she loved and trusted. This is where the author’s life took a turn, as innocence was stolen and her idea of “love” became distorted. The guilt and shame she carried in the aftermath would present obstacles and affect her life in a multitude of ways for years to come until she finally "faced her dragons." 

Each chapter begins with a Bible verse and a poignant quote. Forgiveness and patience also played a big role in reuniting her broken family relationships, as she speaks on how to move on from the past to the future. She states she hopes, “this book plants a seed of hope in your heart as well.” 

The author writes that she now believes everything happens for a reason. A statement she made that captivated me was, “Once I finally let go and let God, I learned to embrace the journey and the lessons, and become a ‘warrior’ of His truth with a faith that will not be shaken and an armor that cannot be chinked.” 

This is a Must-Read for those desiring to go deeper in Christ to find the Victory in Him and inspiration to see how learning from our painful experiences can help us achieve it.

You may get your copy of Warrior in the Making: Armed with His Truth at Amazon and in Kindle as a download.

CBM Christian Book Review - Frank the Angel

Title: Frank the Angel
By: Jeffrey Roth and Illustrated by: Cara Bevan
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0+ out of 10.0 stars

Jeffrey Roth brings to life an endearing story of a bright white cockatoo named Frank. Frank was found by a man who happened to buy Frank at a Pet Shop in the Mall. He didn’t know that soon his life, and the lives of others were about to change. Wonderfully illustrated, Frank will capture parents' and children’s hearts in this story of a miracle from Heaven, and dreams that come true! A wonderful adventure awaits readers in this book, Frank the Angel.

Frank is not your ordinary bird! He talks and he also says the most amazing things. He’s a beautiful, blue-eyed cockatoo who seems to have a vocabulary that almost makes him act like a human. Cute little words pop out from Frank as this man brings him home. What happens next will capture your heart and keep readers hoping to hear more from Frank the Angel.

Heartwarming, this story is for little ones to hope to know the power of a miracle. Readers will enjoy and dream from this little book, inspiring them to look up to God for their miracle.  What a segway for a parent to teach them about, the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.

Look for more from this author, as his stories delight readers and inspire those needing hope and comfort. 

A highly recommended read and gift for little ones.

You may get your copy of Frank the Angel at Amazon and in Kindle as a download. You may also order your copy of Frank the Angel at Barnes & Noble