CBM Book Review - Stay Strong

Title: Stay Strong
By: Brian Grant
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Brian Grant writes his life memoir, Stay Strong, encouraging others to put their hope in Jesus. 

A truly memorable story! How can life go so wrong for someone who tried so hard to do things right? One bad choice led to an infinite domino effect. As a Christian, you can see the enemy worked overtime in this man’s life, yet he writes to encourage others! Stay Strong! Look to God.

From meager beginnings to Little League, then to high school, the Navy, and mechanic school, Brian Grant shares his life trying to find his bearings and purpose in life. Coming from a Christian family, born and raised in Ohio with two hard-working parents, he leads readers to understand we all need God. However, one fateful decision and a string of events led him to a place he did not want to go. 

With short, easy-to-read chapters, readers will experience an honest overview of his life with humor, scripture recommendations, and twists and turns one does not expect. My favorite story is that of the infamous turkey in the Navy. His life’s story reveals storms and trials with an overcoming spirit. Still, Brian Grant reminds all to “Stay Strong” despite life’s problems. 

A memorable title and an endearing read ~ Stay Strong offers an enjoyable read as he gives encouragement and inspiration in his book to never give up! Reminding all to keep Christ close to their heart.

Highly recommended!

You may get your copy of Stay Strong at Amazon or in Kindle as a download.