Father, Give Me the Heart

Title: Father, Give Me the Heart
By: Alexia Bartholomew
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Father, Give Me the Heart by Alexia Bartholomew is a unique book created to foster a real heart transformation according to Scripture. Divinely inspired “Prayer Directives” based on Scripture help readers prosper in the many different areas of their lives. Touching on key subjects such as: Salvation, Humility versus Pride, Marriage and Family, Trust in the Lord, God as your Defender, Looking Forward to the Future in Christ, Self-Perspective and God’s Perspective and Becoming a Blessing to Others. Written for “such a time as this” to encourage, teach, enlighten, inspire, and assist readers to stay focused on God and His Word, all to the glory of God. 

The real miracle of this book is that not only does it bring forth a heart transformation in the inner man (the heart) that reflects God’s Word, all the Prayer Directives are written surrounding the true Word of God. She shares her personal insights, experience, and examples to each article, shedding light on each of the Prayer Directives. By doing this, each section an easy-to-read and understand with Biblical exhortation that brings sincere heart change in one’s life by allowing the Word of God to penetrate their will, mind, emotions, and heart.  

This is a wonderful and incredibly straightforward way to bring forth a renewing of the mind and heart, as both are innately connected. Each person is responsible to study and know the Word of God, becoming an “approved worker” for God. This would include looking into the mirror of God’s Word and becoming a “doer” instead of only “hearer” who quickly forgets about the Word of God in their own character and actions. I applaud the author for bringing to the forefront a book that can be used to cultivate “good fruit” versus “bad fruit” in one’s life. 

Divinely inspired, this book comes highly recommended for anyone struggling right now and yearning to do the will of God, but not knowing where to start. In transforming one’s own heart, we emulate the light of Jesus’ character in our daily walk; thereby giving others a reason to change when they see the change “in us first.” The prayers are powerful and based upon the Word of God, as well.

Additionally, this book is also recommended for anyone lacking in inspiration or purpose, whether an unbeliever or a believer, by giving the advice for relationships in family, in their marriage, with co-workers, even fellow church members, including those in leadership. The author’s Prayer Directives offer sound Biblical advice in these areas. 

In short, this is a Much-Needed and Easy-to-Read book, offering a Biblical and prayerful way of bringing heart change to one’s life enabling them to do the will of God in their own lives.   

You may get your copy of Father, Give Me the Heart at Amazon or in Kindle