Darren Bennett - The Classroom Called Life

Title: The Classroom Called Life
By: Darren Bennett
A CBM Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

The Classroom Called Life by Darren Bennett is a collection of 40 life lessons from the author’s life and experiences. With a wonderful and delightful Christian perspective, witty quotes complement his short stories that tie into each “Life Lesson.”

Writing from a positive and inspiring attitude on life, he shares these life lessons, coupled with a few do’s and don’ts. He speaks with candor and humility, sharing his life as an open book with others, as he endeavors to teach what he has learned in what he calls, “the classroom of life.” What else would you expect from a life-long teacher.

Readers will enjoy, being given the opportunity to reflect upon their own lives from a man who has been a high school teacher for 25 years and recently retired. Bennett seems to have a real and genuine zest to live life that is certainly catchy. Quickly, readers understand that he is an outgoing personality that appreciates God in His goodness, family, and friends. Some of his stories share laughter, joy, as he shares such details as his own conversion to Christianity, and reflects back upon the Lord’s work with great thankfulness. Certain stories wake up one’s soul. Others, are quite funny, while others will really make one think about the issues of life. 

Surviving a cyclone, crocodiles, a praying friend, and a sinking ship come to mind, all memorable, yet this man’s tales, even the mundane, like visiting his old house growing up become interesting. A sprinkling of photos add to the book and each experience he shares. 

My personal favorite is when he talks about the presence of God entering a busy room of kids and what happened next. God is all about winning souls, and for the most part, this story reveals God goes after the lost, the one – and one at a time. The author’s joy and humility shine through each particular life lesson. 

Overall, this was a fun book to read! The author’s love for life and God give hope and will put a smile on your face. Readers will not be disappointed! 

You may get your copy of The Classroom Called Life at Amazon, in Kindle and in Audiobook.