Book Review - Discovery In The Desert - It Will Shake The Nations

Title: Discovery In The Desert
“It Will Shake The Nations “
Author: Tom Thiele
ISBN # 978-0-615-42501-6
Review Date: May 4, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10 stars

David Hart is one of NASA’s brightest and best. Brilliant, ambitious, and driven would describe this young NASA “superstar” physicist. David, being the perfect fit for a Top Secret Classified Military project dubbed Project 13-03, was up for the challenges to come.

The highly classified position topped the list as one of NASA’s Top Classified Military projects. The task set before the team, assembled and headed by 28-year NASA veteran, Jesse Black, was to develop something man has only dreamed of. New dimensions of uncharted technology, that would allow human beings to travel through time. David would play a major role on the management team of this highly esteemed project, as David was about to embark on a mission of a lifetime!

After becoming fully engulfed in the project, the team realized something-Houston, we’ve got a problem- who would be the first person to travel back in time? The problem was so simple; if it had been the proverbial snake it would have bitten them. This insurmountable task turned Project 13-03 into one of NASA’s biggest possible blunders. This project, now almost complete at a hefty price tag of 500 million, the huge 17 ton Hercules and the Catapult which would make time travel possible was complete, except that there was no one to operate this huge piece of man-made technology.

Soon, the project was tagged “Project Monkey-Business”, as monkeys were the only available intelligent being to send into the black hole of time travel and to operate the capsule for a safe return. Yet David’s expectations were higher than that. David’s drive, ambition and desires demanded more.

Let Author, Tom Thiele, transport you back in time with this inspiring and captivating technological, sci-fi adventure of a lifetime! Be prepared to not be able to put this book down, as the author, reveals the ‘discovery in the desert’, something truly remarkable and life changing. This novel is an urgent, must read for our time. A prophetic call to the people and nations, and all nations around the world to Wake Up!

Intriguing, riveting and engaging, this novel is explosive and bold. Author, Tom Thiele will take you on an adventure of a lifetime that will rock your soul and stir you OUT of complacency. Be advised, this novel, will transform your life in the process. As David finds out, he is chosen for a very special, specific task that ‘will shake the nations’. Let your soul be shaken out of complacency and see what this brilliant author has to say.

Discovery In The Desert "It Will Shake The Nations" By Author Tom Thiele

Highly Recommended - A Must Read Book
10.0 stars on a scale of 10 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews